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I am 王振华 (Zhenhua WANG), aka. 黎明灰烬 (Jackwish), a software engineer and writer.
For these years, I work on machine learning systems and virtual machines for projects such as TensorRT, TVM, Caffe, Android, Houdini, etc. at Nvidia, Alibaba, Cambricon and Intel.
I graduated from Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China). Prior to that, I studied at Southeast University (Nanjing, China).
You may find the details on my LinkedIn page.

I have been maintaining the 「黎明灰烬 博客」 since 2006, discussing about the method and theory behind the software systems that I have been putting efforts in. In my opinion, removing the barrier between the end user (or developer) and the cutting edge artifical intellengece (AI) technology is significant. Because, there is a long path ahead for AI software system to walk down still. In addition, misc things about life has been logged - hoping that won’t make people very disagree with me.

I authorize or maintain some projects including:

  • tflite2onnx: a model converter that converts TensorFlow Lite models (*.tflite) to ONNX models (*.onnx).
  • onnxcli: a lightweight command line toolbox for ONNX.
  • tflite: a parser to parse TensorFlow Lite models (*.tflite) in python.
  • shrub: a tool to improve experience of developping deep learning systems.

Reach me via mail. And you can find me on social networks as links below.
「黎明灰烬」(Jackwish) is my nickname on web, which is pretty old-school in such a day that people are using their birth names.




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当然,如果您需要的授权超出了上述的三条原则,请写信到i(at)jackwish.net 。

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博客目前托管于 GitHub Pages ,感谢 GitHub 提供的如此友好的系统,更重要的是免费且无广告。同时也感谢支撑这套系统的工具,如 JekyllMathJax 等。感谢 jsDelivr 为相关资源提供的 CDN 加速。愿大家能善用这套系统,特别是考虑为这套系统中的组件付出过汗水的人们的初心。

博客基于 al-flio 开发。

博客的加密访问方案由 Cloudflare 和 GitHub 的相关功能组合而成。同时 Cloudflare 也提供了缓存的功能(虽然大陆无法享受),也可管理域名等等,推荐大家尝试。

博客尝试了腾讯公益 404 项目,感谢主办方。
